How to Effectively Remove Snow from the Roof

How to Effectively Remove Snow from the Roof

Tips for Effective Snow Roof Removal

While some roofs are specially built to stand up against the extra weight of a heavy snowfall, others are not. If your roof is large and flat, there is a risk of damage if you do not remove snow. You should be careful even if your roof is designed to handle snow. It should be kept in mind that wet snow weighs much more than dry snow.

If you look at the methods for safe removal of snow, you will find that the guidelines do not recommend you to do it alone. Hiring a professional is a good idea. But if you do not have that option, you should get help from a family member, friend or neighbor.

When you are planning to remove the snow, you should go at it as carefully as possible. Here are some tips for effective snow roof removal:

 Things to do

  • Snow roof rakes are very useful tools to remove snow, especially if you have a pitched roof. Snow rakes can be found at hardware stores. If you purchase a suitable one, it will make the job easier for you. Do not choose the cheapest snow rake. Purchase a good brand even if you need to spend some more.
  • Dress appropriately. Dressing properly for this activity, you can prevent injury. Dressing in layers is a good idea because you will be able to remove clothing if you feel too hot.
  • Begin removing snow at the very edge and then advance. At first remove snow from the edge and gradually cover the whole roof.
  • Stay hydrated. When you go out to shovel, take a bottle of water with you. Drink enough water so that you do not become dehydrated.
  • It is not a good idea to scrape the roof clean, because it may damage the roof covering. To avoid this risk, just reduce the top level of snow, leaving a few inches behind.
  • Be careful when you use metal tools. If they make contact with a power line, it could lead to electrocution. If you do not use them carefully, metal tools can also cause harm the roof.
  • If your roof is flat, shovel snow and throw them carefully away from the roof, on the side of the building.
  • Keep drains and gutters clean and be sure to not let ice build up.

Avoid doing these things

  • Before adding your weight to the roof, consult a licensed engineer. Before adding extra weight in the form of equipment, make sure that the roof is strong enough.
  • Avoid using a ladder. The reason is that ice can form on the ladder.
  • Avoid using heating electronics to melt ice or snow. Hair dryers or heat guns will not make the job easy for you.
  • To remove snow and ice, devices that rely on an open flame should not be used. These devices are not meant for snow removal and they can be quite dangerous.
  • Do not overexert yourself. Take breaks from time to time and go indoors to warm up yourself. Stop working when you are too tired and take five to ten minutes to relax.